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Introducing my
FAT LOSS Lifestyle Program

What if you could feel amazing in your skin without giving up your favorite junk food & only exercise for 15-min 3x/week at home?

Learn my Low-Maintenance 7-Step Strategy with EVERYTHING you need to know on how I Lost Fat with 15-Min Workouts &
a Cheat Day Every Week


Start Date

This is for you if you...


  • You feel like you've tried it all but nothing works

  • Feel exhausted from trying to exercise your way to your goal

  • Feel like you've hit a plateau

  • Feel stuck because you keep reverting back to your old eating habits

  • Feel frustrated because you can't seem to stay consistent

  • Beat yourself up because you feel like you have no will power

  • Have lost your motivation because everything feels too difficult or time consuming

  • Feel stuck on what to do and where to start

  • Feel like you have zero consistency because of holidays, birthdays and just plain old weekend fun

  • Feel conflicted on what will actually work because there is so much info out there

  • You've dabbled with healthy eating & exercise but never followed a set strategy

  • You've been following me for a while and watched me drop 85lbs after my 2nd child & then drop another 80lbs after my third child & want to give it a try

  • You want to feel good in your skin but you need motivation & accountability to get started

What if you don't need to have as many restrictions to get results?
What if you don't need to exercise more than 15 minutes to get in the best shape of your life?

What if, the unicorn you are looking for is actually REAL without WASTING your precious time trying to figure it out on your own?

How? By simply incorporating my
Easy 7-Step Strategy in your busy Life!

You can feel the best you've ever felt...

  • Without giving up your favorite Junk Food

  • Without starving yourself or fasting

  • Without gym equipment or weights

  • Without exercising everyday

  • Without having to leave the comfort of your own home

  • Without having to clear your schedule and revolve your life around your goals

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I've been exactly where
you are... 2x Actually...

And I know how it feels to 
struggle with self-image because of
all the changes we go through
as a mommy; Both Physically & mentally. Mourning your pre-baby life & body and struggling with finding the time to feel like yourself again. And just overall hating how you look & feel...

If you tried EVERYTHING and  beat yourself up for not having the energy to do long workouts and the willpower to stick to a diet...

And then give up... and binge eat... and feel worse about yourself... then you are in the

This used to happen to me... but guess what happened when I gave myself grace with less restrictions & less time exercising...

I was able to STAY CONSISTENT and lost 85lbs in 8 months!!!


I've included an exact STEP by STEP in my Lifestyle Package & you'll
learn about the Unique
Low Maintenance Strategy I used!

What youll get



This Program is NOT for you if:

  • You think exercise is the key to your fat loss goals

  • You are not willing to change your eating habits

  • You want or expect a quick fix

  • You are only fixated on losing pounds rather than building a healthy lifestyle

  • You are not willing to make lifestyle changes

  • You want to use supplements &/or products to balance out your unhealthy eating

  • You are not willing to put in 15-Minutes 3x a week to exercise AND

  • You are not ready to commit to 2hrs of Meal Prep per week

sign up now!
which one

Frequently asked questions:


What is included in the "Fat Loss Kickstarter Lifestyle Package 90 Days?"
Package includes:

  • 7 Easy Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle Program E-Book (50pages)

    • How to Prepare​

    • Unique Nutritional Guidelines

    • 7 Step Fat Loss Strategy

    • How to Maintain AFTER you've reached your goal

  • 90 Day Meal Plan List & Recipes (120 pgs)

  • 12 Easy to Follow Exercise Videos (Only 15-Min each available on my YOUTUBE Channel)

  • How to Get Started Guide

  • Fuel Day Approved List of Food & Drinks

  • Personalized Daily Calorie Goal

  • How to Measure & Take Progress Pictures

  • 3 Private Accountability Coaching included in package (Additional sessions are part of the mandatory monthly subscription)

  • And more! (See chart above)

Due to the nature of the digital program, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.



What is included in the "Fat Loss Kickstarter Lifestyle Package 30 Days?"

Package includes:

  • Exact same as above with a 30 Day Meal Plan List & Recipes (36 pgs)

Due to the nature of the digital program, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.



What is included in the "Fat Loss Lifestyle Fuel Day Approved List?"

Package includes:

  • A list of Sabrina S Fuel Day Approved Food & Drinks to help you lose fat and live a healthy balanced Lifestyle. (5 pgs)

  • This does NOT include a Meal Plan (See Lifestyle packages for Meal Plans/Recipes)

  • This does NOT include Recipes (See Lifestyle packages for Meal Plans/Recipes)

Due to the nature of the digital program, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.


What is the "Fat Loss Kickstarter Lifestyle Package" and what is the "7 Easy Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle Strategy" ?
In a nutshell, this package includes the strategy to educate you on how to live a low maintenance Healthy Lifestyle in 7 Easy Steps so you can lose fat & inches and maintain a healthy lifestyle forever. This is designed specifically for busy mamas who love junk food & have no time to get to a gym. Within this Program you'll learn about my unique all natural nutritional guidelines based on the chemistry of the metabolism and teach you what to eat to burn fat. This easy step-by-step program details EVERYTHING you need to know about how to achieve fat loss in a healthy way & maintain it afterwards. This program is the least restrictive and least time consuming LIFESTYLE program on the market.     




What type of Nutritional Program is this?
The Meal Plan List, recipes and nutritional guidelines are based on all Natural food & carb cycling. Carb cycling is a dietary approach in which you alternate carb intake on a 7-Day Cycle. (6 Fuel Days vs 1 Cheat Day) 
This program includes all natural dairy, healthy fats, proteins and selective carbohydrates to speed up your metabolism and enable fat loss. These nutritional guidelines are the least restrictive and are based on the chemistry of the metabolism.

What can I expect from these 15-Minute workouts?
The workouts are short yet effective 15-minute timed easy to follow videos. There is no equipment necessary and all fitness levels are welcome. I suggest doing at least 3 workouts a week for maximum results. 
These workouts focus on full body exercises (but not limited to this) and strength training to build and sculpt your muscles so that they can work for you on your days off. This does not mean you will bulk up. 15-Minutes, 3x/week is ALL you need to get into the best shape of your life!

Do I need a Meal Plan?
The nutrition you choose on your journey is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect to achieve success on your Fat Loss Journey. The Meal Plans included in the 30 & 90 Day Lifestyle packages includes a list of snacks, breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts which are easy to prepare with/ without recipes. AND most importantly you get a Cheat Day every week to enjoy unlimited Junk Food!!!

Can you tell me what a typical day on your Meal Plan looks like?
Here is a sample of the meals & snacks you would enjoy on a Fuel day following my Meal plan:

•Breakfast: Spinach/mozzarella omelette
•Snack: Hummus/veggies
•Lunch: Turkey chili with cheese
•Snack: Celery or apples w/ peanut butter
•Dinner: Eggplant rollatini
•Dessert: Chocolate mousse

***Please note this is a general idea.

Why will the Meal Plan & Recipes speed up my fat loss?
Knowing what ingredients to use in each recipe will speed up your fat loss. Each ingredient affects our body differently, therefore knowing exactly what to use will ensure you are not stunting your fat loss goals. Advertisement and marketing have led us to believe many food products and ingredients are healthy yet they do the complete opposite of what we are trying to achieve. It is important to cook at home and to learn which ingredients to use when trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose fat. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring and my recipes are proof of how delicious eating healthy can be! This also includes delicious meal and snack recipes the whole family will love!

Is this Program like Keto or Low-Carb? Does it follow the same guidelines?
My program is much less restrictive than keto & low-carb and my guidelines are based on eating natural, avoiding artificial ingredients and avoiding food that is quickly digested as sugar which turns into fat if not used as an energy source immediately. The main focus is nourishing your body with healthy natural ingredients and those that can speed up your metabolism. Ex: My program chooses raw natural honey regardless of a high calorie content as opposed to Keto which advises to use Stevia, an artificial low-calorie sweetener. Something as simple as this can make or break your fat loss because artificial ingredients are soooooo bad for us!

I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Is this Lifestyle safe for me?
Absolutely! There are absolutely no supplements involved in this Lifestyle and the meal plan/nutritional guidelines are based on 100% real food that can be found in your local grocery store. Also, despite a common misconception, women are not fragile while pregnant and staying in shape is actually the BEST thing you can do for yourself and for your baby. It is always best to speak with your doctor before starting any type of program and there is also NOTHING wrong with waiting until after the baby to get started on something new. Although, there are many benefits of this Lifestyle such as having an easier delivery, faster recovery, keep your energy up and keep your aches and pains to a minimum in this guide and so many more!

I am pregant or breastfeeding. Is this Lifestyle safe?
It is always best to speak with your doctor before starting any type of program while pregnant or breastfeeding. This Lifestyle and the meal plan is based on 100% real food that can be found in your local grocery store.
There are absolutely no supplements involved in this Lifestyle making it a great option for Fat Loss or weight management but my program is for educational purposes only and following it would be at your own risk. Dieting is not recommended while pregnant or breastfeeding. It is important to make sure you are consuming enough protein & calories and avoiding certain food groups which can be detrimental to your health.

I have done so many fad diets and weight loss or fat loss programs in the past, how is this one any different?
This is different because it is a Lifestyle which is designed with REAL LIFE in mind and most importantly it is based on the chemistry of the food you eat. This is about creating a new healthy lifestyle that can be easily maintained forever. Most people give up on their fat loss goals because they cannot realistically stick to whatever fad diet or intense exercise program they sign up for OR they end up gaining all the weight back once they go back to normal eating habits.
 In addition, my nutritional research and guidelines are based on the science of the body and clearly explains why and how you are not losing fat by consuming certain foods and ingredients. You will be well educated on how each food group and ingredient is digested in your body so you can no longer be fooled by fancy advertising or marketing ploys. A perfect example is Oatmeal. This is advertised as healthy when in reality it is extremely unhealthy and the main ingredient (Oats) is digested and immediately turned into sugar which your body will store as fat.

What is Cheat Day?
Cheat day is everything you have ever dreamed of in a Lifestyle! Cheat Day comes along 1x a week and you are encouraged to indulge in anything and everything your heart desires in unlimited amounts. This is a form of carb cycling. Cheat Day is your PIG OUT day! And it will absolutely not stunt your weight loss goals. I am proof. I lost 85lbs in 8 months (after my 1st & 2nd child) and now I am down another 80lbs after my 3rd child! I enjoyed my Cheat Day every single week! Cheat day is truly what will help you maintain this new found lifestyle forever and ever.

Do I need a gym membership, gym equipment and/or protein supplements to do this program?
You will not need to make any additional purchases to get the maximum results out of this program. All of those extra expenses are unnecessary. All you need is a local grocery store and your body!

I currently eat healthy and I am active but I am struggling to reach my goals. How will this Lifestyle help me?
If you are struggling to reach your goals, it is 100% based on the food you are consuming. The common nutritional guidelines which have been pumped into our brain are actually unhealthy and will stunt your fat loss. My guidelines explain everything in detail so you know exactly what to avoid on your fat loss journey. A perfect example is the assumption that oatmeal is healthy when in fact it is extremely unhealthy and the main ingredient is digested and immediately turned into sugar which your body will store as fat. 




What if I want a refund?

Due to the nature of the digital program, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.



What if I am a REPEAT customer?

Repeat customers can opt for my NEW 30 Day Meal Plan.





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© 2017 by Sabrina S - Get Healthy

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